Every single day I hear countless stories of freelancers or “side hustlers” looking to break the code of how to make more money on the “side”. Much of...
It’s the first of the month and if you’re anything like me you’ve probably experienced the stress of not receiving a check on time more than you would...
As freelancers many of us have found it hard to find work from clients on a consistent basis. Because of this many of us have resorted to using micro...
Uber, Lyft, Task Rabbit, Fiverr, Upwork and the list goes on of the several companies popping up daily in hopes of becoming a power player in the newe...
Invoice after invoice. We have all been there in our freelance careers either as a full time freelancer or part time where it seems that none of our i...
A couple of days ago I saw the funniest shirt online that read “I Am a Freelancer That Doesn’t Mean I Work For Free,” I instantly exploded with laught...
All this week I have been sharing my story about having my identity stolen as a freelance writer and the reponse has been remarkable.I have been amaze...
When I first started freelance writing I felt entitled and I am not ashamed to admit it. I felt as a recent graduate, my degree should have GUARANTEED...